
You may be familiar with the illustration Jesus gives his disciples in Luke 11; Where he tells this story; you have visitors late one night, and you don’t have any food to provide them, so you go to your neighbor’s house to ask to borrow some food. The neighbor tells you to go away because he and his family are already in bed. You keep on knocking until finally your neighbor gives in and gives you some food, not because he is your friend, but because you are so persistent; the NIV versions says “..because of your shameless audacity, he will get up and give you what you need”

What I had not realized until recently, is that this illustration is immediately before this familiar passage in Luke 11:9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” NIV

The Living Bible writes it this way. “…And so it is with prayer—keep on asking and you will keep on getting; keep on looking and you will keep on finding..”

It is pretty clear that Jesus was saying, “pray with persistence,” even “audacity” which the dictionary defines as, “bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints.” This is probably a little uncomfortable for some, including me; being pushy and persistent with God, but that is how He told his disciples to be when they prayed.

Dear Lord, help us remember to come to you boldly asking you for the things we need, and want to help us live our lives to glorify you. Help us also pray boldly for you to help our churches, and those in need of your healing, peace, protection, and joy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Righteous by Faith

As we grow in our faith it becomes easy to start building our pride in what a good person we are. Beware! The devil uses this good thing, our good deeds, and tempts us to turn it into pride in our selves or judgment of those not “as good as we are.”

Paul says in Romans 3:20 “therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works” verse 23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” So no matter how “good” we are, it doesn’t make us any better to God. Faith in Jesus, who saved us, is the only thing that makes a difference.

I like to look at it as a sequence of 1) apologize (repent) for ourselves 2) accept the forgiveness and Salvation from Jesus 3) Do good as a response to the love from God.

Our righteousness doesn’t come from being good, it comes from being forgiven.

Dear Lord, we are sorry for doing wrong. We know that without your forgiveness we are doomed. Thank you for seeing us as righteous because of Jesus our Savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Why Go To Church?

Sustaining anything requires maintenance. To stay alive we need to eat and drink; to stay fit we need to exercise; to stay effective at our jobs we need to maintain our skills. In the same way, to sustain our faith we need to spend time with other believers, grow our knowledge of God’s word, and show praise and gratitude for what God has done for us. We do this by attending Church services.

In the Old Testament, the Jewish laws dictated when to go to the temple, and all the rituals needed to please God. Jesus Christ removed the burden of these rituals and Old Testament rules; so going to church is no longer about doing good deeds to win favor from God, it’s about engaging with other Christians to worship God, learn, sustain and support each other.

Acts 2:42 says about the early Christians, “They joined with the other believers in regular attendance at the apostles’ teaching sessions and at the Communion services and prayer meetings.” TLB

Your church is the place we do this. We all need a church that is comfortable for us so it can be a core part of our lives.

Dear Lord, help us each find a church home, and attend regularly to sustain our faith in You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Don’t Take The Bait

If you have ever been fishing you know that sometimes you only need to throw any bait in the water and the fish bite, but other times you need just the right fishing hole, and just the right bait in order to catch a fish. Fly fisherman study the types of bugs that fish are eating and create lures (bait) to look similar and attract the fish. Even with that, the smart fish will come and take a look, but move on if the bait doesn’t look right.

In a similar way, the devil fishes for people with temptations to catch their attention and draw them into disobedience to God. Some are easy to catch, others more difficult. He will search for the just the right bait that each of us has trouble resisting; pride, greed, envy, immorality, dishonesty, fear, worry, or one of many others. It may seem like we don’t stand a chance against the power of the devil, but we need to realize that we are only tempted because God lets us to be tempted. Fortunately he promises that He will always provide a way out of the temptation.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 “And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” NIV So we cannot avoid being tempted, but we can ignore the bait and not act on the temptation. The temptations allow us to build our strength and character.

Dear Lord, when we are tempted help us look for and find the way out so we may become stronger and more faithful to your will. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Light in the Darkness

Are you afraid to go in the basement with the lights off? Or take out the garbage late at night? Most of us have an inherent fear or uneasiness about the dark. Isn’t it interesting how with the lights on, the same basement is not scary, and there is no fear walking down the driveway in the daylight.

Jesus said in John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” NIV Our life without Jesus is like walking in the dark basement or dark night. The devil, the ruler of this dark world, is working to keep us from finding the light. With Jesus, the light of the world, we do not need to fear the darkness.

Dear Lord, help us remember that following you is what lights our world and removes the fear of the unknown darkness. Help us share this light with others that they may know the peace it brings as well. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Daily Short Christian Devotional Message

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