Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day we celebrate and thank our mothers for the love and support they are to us.

What an amazing example God gave us in Jesus’ mother Mary. First the faith expressed when the angel came to her telling her she would be the mother of the Savior Jesus. Expressed in the words of faith in God facing the unknown. Luke 1:38 “Be it unto me as you have said.” Mary also was with Jesus through His persecution and death. How difficult that test of faith must have been for a mother. We can only imagine the strength and comfort she provided for the other followers during that time.

I am incredibly blessed and thankful to God that I have a mother like this that is a strong example of Christian faith; unselfish supporter and comforter of me and her whole family. If you also have a mother like this here or who is now in heaven, be grateful and use that gift to make you all the Christian you can be.

Dear Lord, thank you for the unique and special role You established for mothers. Help them cherish that special role, and help them feel our thanks for all they do and have done for us. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Not a Salesperson?

Some people are born “Sales People,” they have no trouble spending lots of time trying to convince someone else of their idea, sell them their product, or in the case of Christianity, walk through the neighborhood knocking on doors telling people the Good News. Praise the Lord for those folks! For the rest of us, the idea of being “pushy” with our faith seems impolite and overbearing.

Good news for us introverts, the bible tells us that just living as a good example is witnessing. Among other passages, 1 Peter 2:12 says “live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he returns.” In 1 Peter 3:15 Peter writes ” always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks the reason for the hope you have.”

So one way to witness is to live as a good example and be prepared to talk about your hope and faith when you are asked.

Dear Lord, help us feel the immortal value of our hope in you and be anxious and prepared to share it with others when the opportunity arises. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

You, with Christ, can do anything

How often have we faced a situation where we knew what we should do, but had trouble controlling ourselves and doing the right thing? It might be something simple, like skipping desert, working out rather than watching TV, or going to Church rather than sleeping in. It might also be something very serious like avoiding a cigarette for a quitting smoker, a drink for an alcoholic, or drugs for an addict.

Paul says in his letter to the Philippians that he has the secret to being content in “any and every circumstance,” verse 4:13 he writes “for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.” TLB

What he is saying is that he doesn’t have to carry the burden of his struggles. Christ carries the burden, allowing him to handle anything, even torture and death for his beliefs which he endured.

Dear Lord Jesus, help us have the knowledge that we can do all things and handle anything if we put our faith in You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

What Are We Watching?

Do you ever find yourself watching a reality show on TV or a video on the internet, showing people swearing at each other, arguing, gossiping, and treating other people disrespectfully? Does the thought cross your mind that you really shouldn’t be watching this? Don’t we get attracted to the news story about the corrupt politician, having an affair, or the gruesome crime, and want to know all the details? How about the “funny” morning radio show making fun of everyone and full of vulgar jokes? If you feel like this is probably not right, Your apprehension is likely your conscience.

The apostle Paul says in his letter to the Philippians 4:8-9 “Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you.”

We need to stop and think about what we are putting in our minds when we watch TV, listen to the radio, or read for entertainment. Is it true, honorable, just pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, and worthy of praise? If not, why are we giving it our attention?

Dear Lord, remind us to focus on the the beauty and greatness you created and not get drawn into the negative and vulgar that break down our Christian character and give energy to the wrong things in the world. In Jesus Name. Amen

Burn the Boats

If you have listened to many motivational speakers you have probably heard the illustration of the commander of a conquesting army, who tells his troops to “burn the boats” when they arrive at the shores of the new land; As a result, they are committed and there is no turning back. They must succeed or die trying.

In a similar way, we need to look at our faith in God as a “burn the boats” faith. We put our faith and trust in God, and burn our doubts and half hearted belief on the shore. Like the song says “I am trusting thee Lord Jesus, trusting only thee.”

Jesus says in Mark 11:22-24, “Have faith in God. Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” NIV

Dear Lord, How often the limits of our belief are what prevent You from answering our prayers. Help us truly put our trust in Your power, without doubt. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Daily Short Christian Devotional Message

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