Our Reputation

You’ve probably heard it said, You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Proverbs 3:3,4 is a bit of a follow-on to that expression saying, “Never tire of loyalty and kindness. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart, If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment” From TLB version.

The NIV Bible version text uses the virtues of “Love and Faithfulness,” and the RSV version uses “Loyalty and Faithfulness.”

Regardless of the Bible version; Loyalty, Kindness, Love, and Faithfulness, are virtues we need to work on to truly be the Christian brothers and sisters God wants us to be.

Dear Lord, we thank you that you first showed us Love, Loyalty, Kindness and Faithfulness. Help us keep these virtues in the front of our minds throughout our days and use them with those we encounter. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

One thought on “Our Reputation”

  1. Please pray for my faith to increase and for my relationship with Jesus and God to become stronger. SInce I lost my dad last year , due to COVID or a medicine to treat it, I haven’t been to our church.

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