
In bible days people didn’t have paper and pencil to write notes, or journals to jot down important facts and information. Important information was shared with others and these stories would be handed down from parents to children across generations. One other way that they remembered important events was to build altars and landmarks at the site the event happened.

Joshua 4 tells the story of the Jews finally crossing the Jordan river after wandering in the desert for 40 years. God parts the river and the people walk across on dry land. In verses 2,3 God tells them, “Tell the twelve men chosen for a special task, one from each tribe, each to take a stone from where the priests are standing in the middle of the Jordan, and to carry them out and pile them up as a monument at the place where you camp tonight.” and verse 6,7 say, “We will use them to build a monument so that in the future, when your children ask, ‘What is this monument for?’ you can tell them, ‘It is to remind us that the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of God went across!’ The monument will be a permanent reminder to the people of Israel of this amazing miracle.”

Having the monument allowed the people to remember the powerful miracle God did and remind them to believe he is able to do miracles for them, again. In the same way, we should have a way to remember times and events where God did exceptional things for us; saving us or a loved one from a terrible accident, the unexpected “snow day” when we were not quite prepared for a test, a terrible medical diagnosis that turns out to be a just something simple. I keep a simple list of times things occurred that cannot be explained by natural causes, but these occurrences prevented disasters, or created tremendous opportunities. I occasionally review the list to remind myself that God is there looking out for me. You might find it helpful as well.

Dear Lord, help us remember those times that your hand was clearly guiding or protecting our lives, and reflect on those times when we need reinforcement of our faith in you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.