Sin Cuts Us Off From God

When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we say “forgive us our sins…” It is an important part about praying for God to help us that we confess and ask for forgiveness.

In the Old testament, Isaiah the prophet said to the Jews in Isaiah 59:1,2 “The Lord isn’t too weak to save you. And he isn’t getting deaf! He can hear you when you call! But the trouble is that your sins have cut you off from God. Because of sin he has turned his face away from you and will not listen anymore.” and in verse 9 he tells them, ” It is because of all this evil that you aren’t finding God’s blessings” TLB

He then prophecies about Jesus coming in verse 20, “The Redeemer will come to Jerusalem to buy back those in Israel who have turned from their sins”

So Jesus is the Redeemer of us for those sins that have cut us off from God’s blessings. When we pray, let us make sure to confess and turn from our sins like Isaiah describes, so we can receive God’s blessings.

Dear Lord, we are sorry for our disobedience to you, forgive us so that we may receive your blessings, most of all the blessing of salvation through Jesus our Redeemer. In His name we pray. Amen.