
One of British Science Fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke’s three adages was, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” It is an interesting observation. I imagine a jet aircraft, cell phone, or microwave would look like magic to someone 100 years ago. I am sure in our lifetimes we will be amazed at technologies that are developed that will appear like magic to us.

What a fantastic time and opportunity God has created for us, and though it may be uncertain and possibly frightening, we do not have to fear, because we know as God tells us in John 1:1,3 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…..All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

God created it all, and is master of all, we have nothing to fear when we trust in Him.

I get a chuckle from this story that you may also have heard;
Scientists decided that they had developed the technology to make living creatures from just the basic elements in dirt, so they told God they didn’t need him anymore and challenged God to a contest; Who could make life from dirt. God agreed to the challenge. As the Scientists reached down to pick up some dirt, God said, “wait a moment, create your own dirt”

Dear Lord, When we stop and look at the magnificence of nature around us, and within our bodies and minds, we cannot but be in awe of you. Help us not fear the amazing things you have given us,, or the abilities to develop new concepts and technologies, but use them for the good of each other. In Jesus’ name. Amen.