A Gentle Answer

Shortly after finishing college, I had a job working in the offices of a major car company outside New York City. The group of recent grads and I were the people who answered the telephone if a customer, in the NY metro area, had a problem with their car and the dealership did not satisfy their concern. At that time, cars were not as reliable as they are today, and fixing them was not always an exact science. Most of the people we spoke with had been through several visits to their dealer and their cars were still not working properly. Understandably most were very upset.

We all learned early on, that arguing or getting upset ourselves in response to these customers was unproductive, and a quick path to frustration and more anger. What almost always worked was keeping our calm tone, being understanding, and not getting defensive. Sometimes it took a while, but eventually if we kept calm, the customer would settle down and we could work on solving the issue.

It is interesting how we were experiencing something that is written in Proverbs 15:1, ” A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.”

It can take a lot of self control to maintain our calm when someone else is angry with us, criticizing us, and insulting us, but that is the maturity that God is calling us to practice. When we do, we are demonstrating Gods love for us, and our love for our neighbor, and typically we will feel better about ourselves as a result.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the wisdom you give us in the bible. Wisdom provided by you who made us and therefore have the instruction manual for our lives. Help us read, learn and follow this wisdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.