All In

It is not difficult to do enough to get to Heaven,
It is impossible.
This is a bit of a play on words, but it is clear that we don’t “do” anything to be saved. God is the doer, he saves us by his grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, we cannot save ourselves.

I am reemphasizing this truth because I have what may be a slightly different perspective on the story of the rich man that is recorded in Matthew 19, Mark 10, and Luke 18. In the story, a rich man comes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. The man said he had obeyed all the commandments since he was a child. Jesus tells him, “go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Jesus then tells his disciples that it is harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

What I see in this story is that Jesus told the rich man, and is telling us, to follow him as our first priority, and put everything else below. The reason it is more difficult for a rich person is that they often rely on their riches as their “god.” Their riches are what they rely on to solve their problems, make them happy, and give them peace and security. It is also what they often spend their time and energy thinking about. It doesn’t take a lot of riches to fall into this trap.

In many card games there is a point where the player has such a good hand that he or she will go “all in,” betting everything he or she has on the strength of his or her hand of cards. This is what Jesus is asking of the rich man, and is asking us. He wants us “all in,” betting on Him for our life on earth and in heaven. The more we have, the more difficult Jesus’ requirement can be.

Dear Lord, it is not only difficult for the rich man, but also for us to rely on you more than ourselves and our money. We often believe intellectually that you are there with unlimited power to save and support us, but we don’t always put this belief into practice. Help us go “all in” trusting you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.