Acknowledge God’s Place

Jesus teaches his disciples to pray what we call the Lords Prayer in Luke 11. In verse 2 Jesus says, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name…” Jesus teaches them to start their prayer with praise and acknowledgment of the power and awe of God. In a similar way, David prays in 2 Samuel 7, going on in many verses about how great and amazing God is.

There is a point to beginning our prayers this way, acknowledging the power, glory and amazement of God. It puts God in the proper place above us in our minds, so that we bring our requests and concerns to God, humbly recognizing that he knows better than we do, and we submit our desires to his will. As Jesus’ tells us in Matthew 6:8, God knows what we want before we ask.

Dear Lord, How amazing and almighty you are thank you for hearing our prayers, and giving us what we need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.