Freed From Fears

You may have heard it said that the fear of something is often as bad or worse than the thing itself; Like a child worrying about getting a shot at the doctor’s office, or the fear of speaking or performing in front of a crowd; Fearing the difficult professional exam, driver’s test, or flying checkride. The fear can sometimes immobilize us from thinking or doing anything.

It is interesting how David writes Psalm 34:4. “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” He doesn’t say that God prevented the bad things from happening; He says God freed him from his fears. We don’t know why God allows some bad things to happen to us, but knowing that he will take away the fear is a blessing in itself. It allows us to endure our struggles with peace, which can be an amazing witness to others.

Dear Lord, free us from the fears we have that prevent us from moving forward in faith. Help have the peace that comes when we do not have fear because we are putting our trust in you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.