Wakeup Routine

Do you sometimes wake up in the morning with negative thoughts; negative thoughts about a bad experience, or someone who mistreated you, or a problem you have?

I believe that often times these thoughts are being placed in our heads by the enemy, trying to get our day started with a sour and defeated attitude.

I have a technique that I use to overcome these negative influences.

When I wake up with these negative thoughts, before I get out of bed, I first remember the words Jesus used in Matthew 16:23, when Peter comments about Jesus upcoming suffering and death. Jesus said, “get behind me satan.” Or the words Jesus used when tempted in the wilderness, He tells the devil “away with you satan”. This shows we recognize the deception and in Jesus’ name we are sending it away.

Second, In my mind I recite the common doxology,
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Alternatively, I remember David’s words in Psalm 118:24 “this is the day that The Lord Has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Finally I say a quick prayer, thank God for a new day, and ask for his guidance.

If you experience this negative ambush in the morning, give these techniques a try.

Dear Lord, protect us from the undermining influence of the devil, and help us live our lives as positive, cheerful, advocates for you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.