
Do you ever notice how some things are simple on the surface, but when you learn more about them, you find they are much more complex and sophisticated then they first appear. For example, we know we need to eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, protein, starch, fats… but why? If you learn more about nutrition you find out that our bodies break the foods down into different components and chemicals. Even deeper some of these chemicals and components are used to provide fuel, dissolve other nutrients, or support other functions in our bodies. So the simple concept of eat well and be healthy really is a very sophisticated science that we are still discovering.

In ways, Christianity is the same. On the surface, and most important, is our acceptance of God’s salvation by believing Jesus Christ saved us. However, the more we study and meditate (actively think about) the words in the Bible and what God is doing, we realize the complexity of it all. Why did Jesus Christ have to be sacrificed? Why do some people accept and others don’t? How does the Holy Spirit come into our hearts? What is a soul? What is our Spirit? The more we learn, the more we realize there is to learn.

In Mark 4:11 when his disciples asked what the parable of the sower and the seed meant, Jesus said, “You are permitted to know some truths about the Kingdom of God that are hidden to those outside the Kingdom.” and in verse 13, “But if you can’t understand this simple illustration, what will you do about all the others I am going to tell?”

Jesus will provide us the wisdom we need to understand, if we take the first step. In verse 24 Jesus tells his disciples and us, “And be sure to put into practice what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand what I tell you.”

Dear Lord, strengthen our faith and help us come to a deeper understanding of your word and your plans. Inspire us to use this understanding to do your will with our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.