Our Enemy the Predator

I think we have all seen those wild animal documentaries showing the predators, lions, tigers, and hyenas following a herd of prey. They wait for a young, old, or weak member of the herd to get out of the safety of the herd, and they attack that one.

In the same way, 1 Peter 5:8 tells his followers, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” The devil also looks for someone that does not have support of other Christians. The lack of support makes them easier to influence, manipulate and pull away from their faith. Having a “herd” or our group of Christian friends for support helps us avoid being vulnerable to attack from our enemy the devil. The best way to have a group of Christian friends is to have a church you regularly attend. The “herd” is there to help protect you, but you are also there to protect and support other members.

Dear Lord, Help us all find our Christian “herd” and a church where we can feel safe and comfortable in our faith. Help us provide mutual support for each other to defend against the attacks of the devil. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.