Pray For The USA

Christianity is the most powerful force for good in history, and the United States of America has been the modern world’s demonstration of this force for good since its inception.

The good of the USA is under attack, as demonstrated by this weekend’s attempted assassination of President Trump. The evil one, from whom we pray for protection, in the Lord’s prayer, is working to destroy the greatest country in history.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

Our enemies are not politicians, or people of another political party, those people are merely pawns of spiritual forces. Our enemies are, as Paul tells us, forces outside our view that are manipulating people to do evil. Whether that evil is physical violence or political corruption, the Devil is working to destroy all that is good, as an attack on God’s creation.

Our job is to follow Jesus and his guidance, simply summarized as, “Love God, and love your neighbor.” All our decisions should be built on this guidance.

In the USA, our founders gave us the incredible opportunity of freedom, prosperity, rule by the people, and to be a blessing to the world. Some people have taken advantage of this for personal power and domination, and will stop at nothing to keep their power.

Dear Lord, protect us here in the USA from those who are destroying the good you have allowed the USA to become. Help us all turn to you for guidance, forgiveness, and love, so that we might share it with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen


It is easy to wonder sometimes why God made salvation so seemingly complicated, sending his son to earth as a human, having him live so humbly and ultimately be killed. Wouldn’t be easier if God just showed himself to everyone and told everyone, “do what I say, or you are going to die and suffer in hell forever?”

We don’t know all the reasons God arranged things the way he did, but we know that we have the free will God gave us, and we can make our own decisions and act how we choose, right or wrong.

In Hebrews 2, Paul is explaining how Jesus was truly man when he was on earth, in verse 18 Paul writes, “Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.”

One reason that Jesus came and lived on earth as a “regular” human, is to show us that he experienced the temptation and testing that all humans do. When we pray for relief from our temptations and fears, release from problems, achievement of our desires, or protection of our loved ones, Jesus knows what we feel because he experienced the same thing when he was human. He can empathize with us.

Dear Lord, how beautiful are the intricacies of your plan. Having been like us, truly human, you know what it is like, and we can pray to you knowing you empathize with us. Help us keep this in mind to give us strength to endure our trials and temptations, and the knowledge that as human you endured more than we will be called to endure. As a result of you we can have Salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Our Help

Throughout history, there have been people who have made incredible contributions to all of us. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Jonas Salk, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and many others. However, their contributions are insignificant compared to the actual creation of the universe.

Psalm 124:8 says, “Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

The Psalm sounds so simple and understated, but God created all the intricacies of science and biology as well as the vastness and majesty of the universe, and the psalm says he is our “help.”

Do you think there is anything God cannot do?

Simple little verse tells us that the incredible power of the creator of everything is there for us.

Dear Lord, we cannot begin to comprehend your power. Help us remember you are there for us, which unlimited capability to do anything; and help us remember to ask for the help you promise. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Happy To Struggle

Do you work out with weights in the gym, and struggle through the last repetition? Ever played organized sports, and had to do drills? Extra running? Sprints? Or in school did you do the same type of math problem over and over?

Why do we do these things that we don’t necessarily enjoy? We do them to improve ourselves so we perform better in the future.

Have you ever thought that God allows us to struggle and suffer some things in life to make us stronger Christians?

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:3 “…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces character”

We need to look at our struggles and suffering, not as the permanent result God has intended for us, but as an exercise that can make us stronger and more reliant on God in the future.

Dear Lord, we know You love us and know the struggles and suffering we face. Help us endure our sufferings with the knowledge that if we handle them with faith in You, they will help us become stronger and more capable Christians. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Creation and Evolution

I have always been interested in the evidence that supports what we believe as the Bible creation account, and the conflicting stories we hear about the origin of everything. In order to explore this more, I read a book called Creation and Evolution; Compatible or in Conflict, by Jay Seegert. This book is a well researched and easy to read assembly of the information and perspectives on this subject. I found it very helpful in understanding the evidence.

The conclusion I took from the book is that as Christians, we believe the Bible story of creation, because we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, though our belief is supported more and more by archaeological and astronomical discoveries. Evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and other ideas for the origin of the universe, the earth, and the origin of life are as much a religious belief as Christianity. The people who promote these ideas often start with the assumption that God cannot be part of the origin, so they must come up with some other concept then try to find data that support it. Our growing understanding of the complexity of life and the universe make it more and more difficult for them to rule out the Creator.

Arguments against God and Creation have been ongoing since Bible times, as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:19, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.” and in Romans 1:20 he writes, ” Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of His existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day” TLB

Dear Lord, We thank you for people who will take the time and effort to help us understand the evidence that exists to support our belief in the validity of the Bible. Please send your Spirit to those who question your word, and let them know You and know that the Bible is your word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Daily Short Christian Devotional Message

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