
Intimidate: Definition – to frighten into submission

Intimidation is used by our opponents to make us do things they want us to do, or to prevent us from doing things they don’t want us to do. It is the primary tool used by bullies, criminals, and terrorists. It can also be considered to be how the devil prevents us from doing what we know we should, by making us fear the perceived embarrassment, fear losing out, or fear being defeated if we stick to our integrity and morals.

Paul was in a Roman prison when he wrote his letter to the Philippians. In Philippians 1:28 he wrote, “So don’t let your opponents intimidate you in any way. This is God’s way of showing them that they will be destroyed and that you will be saved.”

With our faith in God’s strength, not our own, we can stand up to any opponent, be it a person, temptation, ridicule, or risk.

The, well known, story of David and Goliath is written in 1 Samuel 17. In verse 47 David describes what happens when we put our hope and faith in God’s power, “Then everyone gathered here will know that the Lord can save without sword or spear, because the Lord determines every battle’s outcome.”

Dear Lord, you control all things. Often we experience situations, people, and temptations that would intimidate us into improper behavior or inaction when we should be doing your will. In these times, help us remember to rely on your power to overcome and not be intimidated. In Jesus’ name. Amen.