Wonderful Witnesses

Yesterday was the Super Bowl; The final championship game for the season in American Football. An estimated 100 million people watched the game on television. It was a great game to watch, with the some of the best players in the sport performing at their best. However the most amazing moments, for me, came during the interviews after the game. The players recognizing and giving glory to God for the opportunity and success was inspiring.

Paul writes in Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation.”

What amazing witnesses and great examples these men were when given the opportunity to share their faith before the world. If we were interviewed in front of 100 million people would we have the faith and courage to do the same? How about at work, the gym, or coffee shop?

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us these great examples who are not ashamed of their faith in you. Help us follow their leadership. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.