Christianity is the most powerful force for good in history, and the United States of America has been the modern world’s demonstration of this force for good since its inception.
The good of the USA is under attack, as demonstrated by this weekend’s attempted assassination of President Trump. The evil one, from whom we pray for protection, in the Lord’s prayer, is working to destroy the greatest country in history.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Our enemies are not politicians, or people of another political party, those people are merely pawns of spiritual forces. Our enemies are, as Paul tells us, forces outside our view that are manipulating people to do evil. Whether that evil is physical violence or political corruption, the Devil is working to destroy all that is good, as an attack on God’s creation.
Our job is to follow Jesus and his guidance, simply summarized as, “Love God, and love your neighbor.” All our decisions should be built on this guidance.
In the USA, our founders gave us the incredible opportunity of freedom, prosperity, rule by the people, and to be a blessing to the world. Some people have taken advantage of this for personal power and domination, and will stop at nothing to keep their power.
Dear Lord, protect us here in the USA from those who are destroying the good you have allowed the USA to become. Help us all turn to you for guidance, forgiveness, and love, so that we might share it with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen