I have always been interested in the evidence that supports what we believe as the Bible creation account, and the conflicting stories we hear about the origin of everything. In order to explore this more, I read a book called Creation and Evolution; Compatible or in Conflict, by Jay Seegert. This book is a well researched and easy to read assembly of the information and perspectives on this subject. I found it very helpful in understanding the evidence.
The conclusion I took from the book is that as Christians, we believe the Bible story of creation, because we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, though our belief is supported more and more by archaeological and astronomical discoveries. Evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and other ideas for the origin of the universe, the earth, and the origin of life are as much a religious belief as Christianity. The people who promote these ideas often start with the assumption that God cannot be part of the origin, so they must come up with some other concept then try to find data that support it. Our growing understanding of the complexity of life and the universe make it more and more difficult for them to rule out the Creator.
Arguments against God and Creation have been ongoing since Bible times, as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:19, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.” and in Romans 1:20 he writes, ” Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of His existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day” TLB
Dear Lord, We thank you for people who will take the time and effort to help us understand the evidence that exists to support our belief in the validity of the Bible. Please send your Spirit to those who question your word, and let them know You and know that the Bible is your word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.