The Forest For The Trees

There is an old saying we have all heard that goes, “we cannot see the forest for the trees,” meaning we are so wrapped up in all the details (the trees) that we cannot see the bigger situation (the forest) which is the important part.

In Jesus’ time, the Jewish leaders were regularly attempting to trick Jesus into breaking the old Jewish laws. They would use all the technical rules in the Old Testament to demonstrate their own superiority, and critique Jesus’ activities. They were too wrapped up in the details of their rules to see the important point of the rules.

Jesus tells them in John 5:39, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!”

I think we can fall into this trap as well. We can get so tied up in how we need to act, and what rules we need to follow in order to be “good enough” for God, that we miss the big picture. The big picture is God gave us Jesus, and Jesus did all the detail work for us.

Dear Lord, Amidst all our religious activities, help us remember not to miss the important part which is Jesus and what he did for us. In His name we pray. Amen.