Arrogance, Ignorance, Lifestyle

I read in a book recently that people do not allow themselves to accept Jesus Christ for one of three reasons. 1) Arrogance. They think they are too smart, too cool, too something else to submit to God’s teaching, and don’t need it. 2) Ignorance. They have just not been given the opportunity to accept, or don’t realize the peace and joy that Christ’s salvation offers. 3) They have a Lifestyle conflict. Meaning they have a lifestyle that is biblically wrong and they don’t want to accept that fact and give it up. I tend to agree with this author’s idea.

I am going to write about these three items in my next messages.

Proverbs 16:18 writes, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” We don’t use the word Haughty much, but the dictionary defines it as, “disdainfully proud; snobbish.” I think this description fits very well the Pharisees that persecuted Jesus and the disciples. It also describes many modern day atheists. In their minds, they are so smart about the natural world, that anything supernatural is ridiculous. (How humorous it is that they are so smart about the things God created.)

Regardless, however, of the disrespect these people show toward us as Christians, our responsibility is to love them anyway, and pray that they will open their hearts to the Holy Spirit.

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us the ability to accept Jesus Christ as our savior. We all can occasionally be susceptible to pride, especially when things are going our way. Help us always to remember to counter this pride by thanking you for our blessings. Help us also to pray for those we know who have not accepted you, and demonstrate with our lives the joy of being a Christian. In Jesus’ name. Amen.