Even If He Doesn’t

One of the challenges I have occasionally, and you may as well, is praying for something, but worrying that God may not answer my prayer the way I would like. For instance, traveling and the flight is delayed, I pray that I don’t miss my connecting flight because I would miss an important family event and disappoint my family.

Another example we have all encountered, we, a friend or family member have a unusual ailment and go see the doctor. We pray that it is routine simple issue, but we fear God’s plan may allow it to be serious.

In Daniel 3 there is the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were young Jewish men during the time the Jews were captive in Babylon. There was a law during that time that required everyone to bow down and worship a statue the King had designated. Because of their obedience to God, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would not bow down and worship the statue. As a result, they were to be thrown into the furnace. When accused by the King, they replied in verse 17,18, “If we are thrown into the flaming furnace, our God is able to deliver us; and he will deliver us out of your hand, Your Majesty. But if he doesn’t, please understand, sir, that even then we will never under any circumstance serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have erected.”

The key here is their comment, even “if He doesn’t” they will remain obedient. This is how we need to think when we pray. Even if God doesn’t answer our prayer the way we want, we will trust him. I am praying that traffic will not make me late, but even if I am, I trust that God has a reason. I am praying that I do well on this test, but even if I don’t, I am trusting God.

Dear Lord, How wonderful it is to know that you have control of all things that affect us, so that even if the things we pray for are not your plan, we can still trust in your love for us. Help us pray with confidence for what we desire but pray that your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.