Avoid Dysfunction

I have always found it interesting but depressing how many of the popular TV shows revolve around the dysfunctional lives of people. I have to admit to watching some of these shows, occasionally, and it is so apparent how most of the character’s problems result from their own bad decisions and behavior.

Although these are fictional stories, in our day to day lives we see similar patterns. So often people’s struggles in life can be traced back to bad decisions and behaviors.

In contrast, when we follow God’s guidelines for our behavior described throughout the Bible, life tends to work much better.

David writes in Psalm 19:7-8, “God’s laws are perfect. They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light.”

Dear Lord, Thank you for the direction on living our lives that you give us in the Bible. Help us have the will to follow your ways which will give us the protection, wisdom, joy and light that you promise. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Avoid Dysfunction”

  1. Source in 2015 : Hollywood. Every new show with tragic, story lines selling, infidelity ect…..is from young
    Heathens in Hollywood. The more they offer, the more popular it gets. People with no self esteem or real love for thier family fall into the trap of finding thier entertainment here. It’s hard as heck to build a Christian household, conduct yourself accordingly, honor the Lord be physically fit. Theres plenty else to,do other than watch this crap. I refuse to watch it. I build a movie,in my mind,via a novel, run myself silly on beautiful horse trails ,all in honor of Gods gift of health too me. Then take to the beach or snow with your family. Its way cool. Have ya ever noticed they all look like ya?? That alone is worth spending time with them. Listen, I’ve screwed many a thing up, sinned and lied. I Believe In Gods forgiveness
    But I still can’t get over how cool it is to spend time with the family God allowed you to make ( even that was fun!!!) I need Hollywood and today’s hip relevancy like a hole in the head!

    1. I hear you. Need more folks like Mark Burnett out there. I’ve been listening to a Pastor on Satelite Radio who’s church,, Compass Bible Church 150 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA, is out in your corner of the world. I’d be curious about the services if you are ever looking for a church. Their web site looks interesting http://www.compasschurch.org

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