The Secret Password

As a child, do you remember asking for the “secret password” when your sibling or parent knocked on the door to come into your room, or watching children’s shows and the characters had a “clubhouse” that they would require a secret password to be allowed in?

That is in some ways how I read Psalm 100:4, speaking about God, it says, “enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.”

The secret password for gaining entry into God’s gates and court are thanks and praise. Before our prayers and petitions are allowed in God’s presence, we need to give him thanks and praise.

Dear Lord, we come to you with our thanks for giving us our savior Jesus Christ and for the important things in our lives, our families, friends, our health. We recognize all that we have is just on loan from you. We praise you for your awesome power and love for us. Help us remember to come to you with our thanks and praise first. In Jesus’ name. Amen.