Remember Who God Is

Sometimes we get things a bit out of perspective, and think that we can make deals with God, like we might do with a friend. For example, we are getting pulled over for speeding and say, “God, I’ll go to church if you prevent me from getting this ticket,” or “God, if you help me make this sale, I’ll put more in the offering plate.”

We forget the incredible difference there is between us and God. Isaiah writes God’s words in chapter 66:2-3, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool: What Temple can you build for me as good as that? My hand has made both earth and skies, and they are mine. Yet I will look with pity on the man who has a humble and a contrite heart, who trembles at my word.”

The NET translation finishes this verse like this, “I show special favor to the humble and contrite, who respect what I have to say.”

We need respect the awesome power of God; Power to destroy as he chooses, but also power to bless those he chooses.

Dear Lord, You are Power and Love. We thank you for loving us enough to save us through Jesus Christ. Help us look to you with humble and contrite hearts and do what you direct us to do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.