Consequences Of Sin

We never really know why God lets bad things happen to people. In one story when Jesus healed the blind man and the Pharsies asked who sinned that caused the man to be blind, Jesus said, this happened, “so the power of God could be demonstrated.”

Jesus also says, however, that our sins can bring bad things on us. In John 5 after Jesus heals the man by the pool, He tells the man, “…Now you are well; don’t sin as you did before, or something even worse may happen to you.” TLB

Our motivation to avoid sin shouldn’t just be to avoid something bad happening to us. We should obey God’s direction because we love him.

Dear Lord, we may not know your reasons for what happens in our lives, but we know you love us. Help us to follow your direction out of our love for you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.