God’s Personal Development Program for Us

Do you ever wonder why some Christians experience challenges in one part their lives, and others experience different types of challenges. Is it just random or is God involved in how these things are happening?

Isaiah, the old testament prophet was telling the people God’s view of their situation in Isaiah 28:26-29, saying, “He [a farmer] knows just what to do, for God has made him see and understand. He doesn’t thresh all grains the same. A sledge is never used on dill, but it is beaten with a stick. A threshing wheel is never rolled on cummin, but it is beaten softly with a flail. Bread grain is easily crushed, so he doesn’t keep on pounding it. The Lord Almighty is a wonderful teacher and gives the farmer wisdom.”

In this passage, Isaiah is explaining to the people that God is like the farmer, and people are like the seed. God knows what experience he needs to put someone through to most effectively develop them. So when we are going through experiences we should ask ourselves what is God doing and how is he using this experience to make me a better Christian.

Dear Lord thank you for caring for each one of us, enough to work on us and help us improve. May we graciously accept the challenges you put before us as exercises to make us stronger and better Christians. in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

2 thoughts on “God’s Personal Development Program for Us”

    1. Unfortunately many people look in the wrong places for solutions, and get stuck fighting the same challenges over and over….like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

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