Look Where You Want To Go

If you have ever walked on a balance beam, you know that the best way to keep your balance is to look far down the length of the beam, Or when we are learning to drive, the best way to stay in our lane is to look way down the road. Looking where we want to go keeps us on track.

Matthew 14 includes the story of Jesus walking on water. Peter sees him from the boat, and when Jesus says “come” Peter begins walking on the water toward Jesus. However, in verse 30 things deteriorate, “But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” TLB When Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus he begins to sink.

In the same way, to keep ourselves on the right track, we need to keep our eyes and attention on Jesus and His instructions for us.

Dear Lord, Help us to keep our eyes on you, your teachings, and listen in our hearts for your guidance. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.