Pray and Praise

It is not uncommon for us to pray and ask for God’s help when we encounter those difficult and frightening events in life. Even people who have no time for God under normal circumstances will go to God in prayer for intervention when they are in trouble, and that is a good thing. God loves us all and maybe He is using the troubles to help people reconnect or return to Him.

What about when things are great? How common is it for us to go to God when things are going well for us; When we get promoted, get a big bonus, child gets a scholarship, we ace a difficult test, play a great round of golf, or have a great day at the park or beach with our family.

James writes in James 5:13 “Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises.” NLT

In those great times of life, we need to take time out and give praise and thanks to God who controls all and gives us all that we have.

Dear Lord, thank you for hearing our prayers when we are in trouble. Thank you also for the many incredible blessings you have given us in our modern lives. Most of all praise and thanks to you for your grace and mercy shown through Jesus Christ our Savior. In His name we pray. Amen.