Memorial Day

Picture in you mind a US military soldier, in desert camouflage, flack jacket, kevlar helmet with night vision goggles attached, M4 rifle slung across his chest, pistol in a tactical holster on his leg, extra magazines of bullets strapped on his harness. If you had to come up with one word to describe this picture, I would guess the word would not be Love. However, if you asked why they serve or served in the US military, most would include their love for the United States, and what is stands for, as a primary reason.

But most of all, when it comes right down to the decision to put one’s life at risk, most soldiers do it to protect the soldier next to him or her.

Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

So I must say that, even though they might be embarrassed by the description, US soldiers put their lives on the line out of Love for their comrade.

Today we remember the many US soldiers who loved enough to risk, and especially those who gave their lives so that we have the security, and freedom we have, today. Let us never forget their sacrifice.

Dear Lord, thank you for the courageous men and women who have served and given all so that we can have our amazing country. Please help us respect their sacrifice and maintain the American qualities they died to protect. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Memorial Day”

  1. Epic. the message of love translates to anything.
    Even tough soilders off to war .dn

    1. Thanks for the comment. Have you seen American Sniper? If you have, the line about sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs, made an impression on me.

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