Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day we celebrate and thank our mothers for the love and support they are to us.

What an amazing example God gave us in Jesus’ mother Mary. First the faith expressed when the angel came to her telling her she would be the mother of the Savior Jesus. Expressed in the words of faith in God facing the unknown. Luke 1:38 “Be it unto me as you have said.” Mary also was with Jesus through His persecution and death. How difficult that test of faith must have been for a mother. We can only imagine the strength and comfort she provided for the other followers during that time.

I am incredibly blessed and thankful to God that I have a mother like this that is a strong example of Christian faith; unselfish supporter and comforter of me and her whole family. If you also have a mother like this here or who is now in heaven, be grateful and use that gift to make you all the Christian you can be.

Dear Lord, thank you for the unique and special role You established for mothers. Help them cherish that special role, and help them feel our thanks for all they do and have done for us. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.