Why Go To Church?

Sustaining anything requires maintenance. To stay alive we need to eat and drink; to stay fit we need to exercise; to stay effective at our jobs we need to maintain our skills. In the same way, to sustain our faith we need to spend time with other believers, grow our knowledge of God’s word, and show praise and gratitude for what God has done for us. We do this by attending Church services.

In the Old Testament, the Jewish laws dictated when to go to the temple, and all the rituals needed to please God. Jesus Christ removed the burden of these rituals and Old Testament rules; so going to church is no longer about doing good deeds to win favor from God, it’s about engaging with other Christians to worship God, learn, sustain and support each other.

Acts 2:42 says about the early Christians, “They joined with the other believers in regular attendance at the apostles’ teaching sessions and at the Communion services and prayer meetings.” TLB

Your church is the place we do this. We all need a church that is comfortable for us so it can be a core part of our lives.

Dear Lord, help us each find a church home, and attend regularly to sustain our faith in You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen