Surprising Faith

It is so uplifting to see people put their faith in God and overcome their afflictions, fears, challenges or use their faith to excel and do great things.

I can only imagine that this was how Jesus felt in the story of the Centurion in Matthew 8. Roman soldiers were not what people expected when thinking of followers of Jesus Christ, but Jesus showed how, no matter who one is, it is the faith that matters.

The soldier’s servant was paralyzed and suffering. When Jesus asked if the Centurion wanted Him to come and heal the servant, the Centurion said he knew all Jesus had to do was say so and his servant would be healed. Jesus, knowing the heart of the soldier, said in verse 10, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” and in verse 13, “Go, Let it be done just as you believed it would.” NIV

We don’t have to be great “church-people” to believe God can bring us out of miserable situations, overcame debilitating fears, and even give us success in our endeavors. We need to have the faith in God’s power and ability to do anything.

Dear Lord, help us have the faith in you to know without a doubt that you can do anything. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.