
Hopefully we have all experienced a person who amazes us with their exceptional work and performance in their job. For example, the sales person who knows just how to find you exactly what you were looking for without being pushy, the service technician with a bright smile and polite “yes sir” “yes ma’am”, the contractor who proudly strives for perfection, meticulously cleans up, and patiently explains everything to his customer, or the doctor or nurse who, with angelic like compassion and tenderness, cares for the dying patient. These people not only bring great credit on themselves, they make their employers and organizations look good to those who see their service.

In much the same way, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 that we are the “light of the world,” and to “let your light shine before others, that they will see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in heaven.” When we do good, we are bringing credit (glory) to God, who we follow.

I have heard it said this way, “You may be the only Jesus some people ever see.” We have an opportunity every day to demonstrate Gods love to those we contact.

Dear Lord, Help us remember that our actions demonstrate what Christians are, to people around us. Help us do good and bring glory to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.