Ask for a sign

Have you noticed that sometimes when we are facing a difficult decision something occurs that makes it very clear how God wants us decide. A comment in the sermon on Sunday, a simple verse you come across in the bible. Often, however, it is not clear to us what God’s wants is to do. Try asking for a sign.

In Genesis 24 the bible tells the story of Abraham’s servant who was sent to find a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac. The servant had no idea how to determine which woman to approach, so he prayed for a sign. First he asked God for success in his task, then he asked that the right woman would answer his request for water from the well, and offer water for his camels. God gave him the sign and success, and Rebekah was found and became Isaac’s wife.

We should take a lesson from this story, and use prayer and our relationship with God and ask for signs that help us successfully do His will.

Dear Lord, like Abraham’s servant, we pray for success in our tasks and signs to help us know your will for us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Ask for a sign”

  1. Not my ballgame. Too me it almost borders on sacreligious. ” Who am I too ask God for a sign,…
    Obey his will and seek his kingdom. Christians know when they’re on the straight and narrow .
    ” Give me a sign means my faith is frail…

    1. I agree it is a fuzzy line between asking for a sign, to help us do God’s will, which is shown as acceptable in Genesis 24, and “putting God to the test” which is identified as wrong during Jesus’ temptation in Matthew 4. I guess it rests with what is our motivation, and what is in our heart. God knows.

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