
Occasionally we all have a problem that we have no idea how it can work out for the best; a situation that looks impossible to solve.

It is easy for us, Christians, to believe in our minds and in an academic way that God is all powerful, capable of doing anything. However, when things are difficult for us, especially when we have created our own problems, it is not so easy to believe in real and practical terms that God can and will resolve it for us.

At those times a great verse to remember is Psalms 46:10. He [God] says, “Be still, and know that I am God….”

Solving our problems is easy for God. We don’t always know how he will do it, but we need to ask, and know, without doubt that he can.

Dear Lord, remind us of your power and help us live our lives truly knowing that you are almighty. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.