Near to God

You have probably seen small children hold on to their parents leg when the are afraid or uncertain; or when they have a nightmare, will climb into bed with their parents. Being close to their protector gives them a sense of safety and comfort. It is a bit more complicated to overcome fears when we grow up.

James 4:7 gives us a great formula for dealing with fears in life. James, in writing to the followers of Christ says. “So submit to God. But resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” NIV

There cannot be anything more peaceful and powerful than to have God, the ultimate power and the source of love, “near us,” and James explained how.

Dear Lord, we submit our “to do list” to you. Guide us. Give us the strength to resist the temptations of the devil and the world. Draw near to us so we may experience the peace and comfort of being close to You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen