Happy to Struggle

Do you work out with weights in the gym, and struggle through the last repetition? Ever played organized sports, and had to do drills? Extra running? Sprints? Or in school did you do the same type of math problem over and over?

Why do we do these things that we don’t necessarily enjoy? We do them to improve ourselves so we perform better in the future.

Have you ever thought that God allows us to struggle and suffer some things in life to make us stronger Christians?

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:3 “…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces character” NIV

We need to look at our struggles and suffering, not as the permanent result God has intended for us, but as an exercise that can make us stronger, more reliant on God in the future.

Dear Lord, we know You love us and know the struggles and suffering we face. Help us endure our sufferings with the knowledge that if we handle them with faith in You, they will help us become stronger and more capable Christians. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

2 thoughts on “Happy to Struggle”

  1. As a runner of 25 years,struggling is a everyday occurance . Many times as I finish a particular long hilly run, I have to play with my mind to finish. ( physically Im zapped) I imagine Christ ,probally smaller and physically weaker than I dragging the cross up and down the dirt path. …not to mention his physical condition at the time! It gets me home every time, sometimes throttled and weary. I thank God for the ability to run ,be strong and live in a beautiful environment. Then I ask for strength in my faith and thank him for salvation. Hey,,it’s a bit odd but that’s my thing. all sorts of thoughts pertaining to the Lord go thru my mind as I become a bit weary on my run. I always finish ,thank God for the ability and desire to run myself to exhaustion for him……it’s epic!!!

    1. Dave, Great inspiration! I thank God for your faith to perservere!

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