Guiding Principles

Many people find it easier to set priorities and make decision if they have a set of principles to follow. Many companies and organizations have “Guiding Principles” written down and distributed to their employees and members to help with managing their operations.

Jesus gave us a simple set of principles when asked what was the greatest commandment. In Matthew 28:37-39 Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” NIV

So when we are looking for direction on how we should live, or what we should do in various circumstances, we can look to these “Guiding Principles” to help with our priorities and decisions.

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us this clear direction. Help us to live our lives in in this way. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


In modern times when we hear the word “peace” we tend to think of the absence of war or absence of conflict between people. Jesus is described in the Bible as the “Prince of Peace” and in John 14:27 He says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Jesus’ peace is a peace for you personally. Closer to the dictionary definition of “quiet and tranquility: Mental calm; serenity.” We can have this peace through our faith in Jesus. He wants us to pass our troubles, sorrows, and concerns to Him and ask for His help. If we trust Him, we can be at peace.

The apostle Paul describes it in Philipians 4:7 “The peace of God which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” We may not understand it, but through faith in God we can have peace.

Dear Lord, Help us trust You and accept Your peace in our lives, knowing that You will guard and protect us. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Stay Away From Evil

Paul Writes in 1 Thessolonians 5:22 “Stay away from every form of evil.” NET It is so much easier to do the right thing when we are not exposed to the temptations that pull us away. Is it easier to control our cursing and swearing if we avoid people who regularly curse and swear? What about TV shows, Movies, radio programs, blogs, web sites. How about controlling our behavior after too many drinks? Or controlling our thoughts after seeing TV shows and movies depicting immoral activities?

By avoiding the evil in the first place, we set ourselves up to do the right things. We need to stop and think occasionally about what we are exposing ourselves to, and ask if we are following Paul’s guidance.

Dear Lord, help us control our exposure to evil, so that we may better do your will. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Happy to Struggle

Do you work out with weights in the gym, and struggle through the last repetition? Ever played organized sports, and had to do drills? Extra running? Sprints? Or in school did you do the same type of math problem over and over?

Why do we do these things that we don’t necessarily enjoy? We do them to improve ourselves so we perform better in the future.

Have you ever thought that God allows us to struggle and suffer some things in life to make us stronger Christians?

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:3 “…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces character” NIV

We need to look at our struggles and suffering, not as the permanent result God has intended for us, but as an exercise that can make us stronger, more reliant on God in the future.

Dear Lord, we know You love us and know the struggles and suffering we face. Help us endure our sufferings with the knowledge that if we handle them with faith in You, they will help us become stronger and more capable Christians. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

God Has Solutions

How often do you face difficult situations where you cannot imagine a solution that will make things work out favorably for you? For example, you have a large bill due and no idea how to pay it, a big school project due and not enough time to get it done, or a big project at work at the same time as an important family activity.

Why don’t we ask for God to solve it for us? Often we think we have to know how the problem can be solved so we can explain to God how to solve it. Actually we don’t. In Matthew 17:27 Jesus and Peter were in a situation where they were required to pay a tax. Jesus told Peter to go catch a fish, open it’s mouth, and he would find the tax that was due in the fish’s mouth. Do you think Peter had any idea that Jesus would resolve the problem this way?

God can always find a way, even when we don’t see a way. We need to remember to just ask.

Dear Lord, help us remember to go to You when we are in need, and trust You to show us a solution. In your name we pray. Amen.

Daily Short Christian Devotional Message

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