Control Your Mind

One of the most important things in life is to control your own mind. If we just let our minds wander, most people’s thoughts will turn negative and often toward sinful things. This is made even worse when we read or watch negative news stories, TV shows, and internet posts, that sensationalize tragedy, immorality and evil. When we do these things, we are handing over the steering wheel of our mind to these things, and frankly to the Devil.

We need to take the wheel of our own minds, and drive it toward good things. Paul writes in Romans 8:6, “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”

Taking control of our minds includes controlling the things to which we are exposing ourselves. Paul also writes in Philippians 4:8, “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Dear Lord, You have created so much beauty, creativity, ingenuity, and love for us to fill our lives and thoughts with. Help us take control of our minds and thoughts so that we may stay on the path to life and peace, and be fitting Christian examples for others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Nothing Is Impossible

Many of us have had occasions in life where things looked so bad we had no idea how they could ever work out well. Then as time progressed, things changed and worked out. I like the expression, “even when we can’t see a way God can make a way.”

In Mark 10:27, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

We need to remember that no matter how bad things may seem to us, “all things are possible with God.”

Dear Lord, help us to remember that you can always make a way for things to work out for us. Help us put our trust in you and believe that with you all things are possible. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Our Words

James 3:1-12 writes about the power of our words for good and evil.

James wrote in James 3:4-6 “And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire.”

There are many ways we can misuse the power of our words. One is sarcasm. We often think when we use sarcasm, “it is harmless, he/she knows I am kidding.” However when we stop and think about what sarcasm is, “The use of irony to mock or convey contempt. Synonyms including ridicule, and scorn.” Would we every chose to mock or ridicule those we love most and who are most influenced by what we say?

On the other hand, the amazing power we have for good in what we say can change those peoples’ lives. Let us use this power to strengthen, encourage, and uplift those we love.

Dear Lord, Help us remember the powerful effect of our words on those we love and who love us. Give us the wisdom to use this power for their benefit. Inspire us with words they will remember for strength, hope, and peace in their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Song Of Simeon

Luke 2:25-35 tells the story of Simeon. The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would see the Messiah before he died. One day the Spirit led him to the temple, the same day that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to be blessed.

When Simeon saw the baby Jesus, he said, “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations and he is the glory of your people Israel.”

Simeon declares what Jesus and the Apostles teach years later, that Jesus is the salvation for all people, not just the Jews who were God’s chosen people. And that Jesus would reveal God to the world.

Lord we praise and thank you, like Simeon, for the salvation we have in Jesus. Give us confidence, like Simeon, to trust in your promises to be with us, protect and comfort us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Look Where You Want To Go

If you have ever walked on a balance beam, you know that the best way to keep your balance is to look far down the length of the beam, Or when we are learning to drive, the best way to stay in our lane is to look way down the road. Looking where we want to go keeps us on track.

Matthew 14 includes the account of Jesus walking on water. Peter sees him from the boat, and when Jesus says “come” Peter begins walking on the water toward Jesus. However, in verse 30 things deteriorate, “But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” When Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus he begins to sink.

In the same way, to keep ourselves on the right track, we need to keep our eyes and attention on Jesus and His instructions for us.
Dear Lord, Help us to keep our eyes on you, your teachings, and listen in our hearts for your guidance. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Daily Short Christian Devotional Message

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