We all have occasions when our faith loses some energy. For some people, this occurs when something bad happens. They wonder “how could God have let that happen?” and their faith weakens. For others, they have been hoping and praying for something for a long time, and their faith begins to weaken waiting and wondering.
One of the great aspects of the Bible is that it contains examples that are similar to most anything we encounter in our lives today.
Paul wrote the book of Romans about 20 years after his conversion from a persecutor of Christians, to a leader of them. Even he after spreading the news of Jesus Christ throughout the region for 20 years, needed occasional encouragement.
He wrote in Romans 1:12, “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.”
Paul is showing us that even he needed support in his faith journey. If Paul needed that, undoubtedly so do we. This is one of the reasons it is important to socialize with Christian friends and attend church where we can get the support and encouragement, to help us through those times our faith is challenged.
Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to associate with other Christians to whom we can provide encouragement, and from whom we can get encouraged. Help us remember how important this is. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.